Tuesday after Labor Day we will be launching into our new brand name, Lakeland Athletic Club. This has been a long time coming and we are very excited for this next chapter in our storied history.
We will not relinquish the name “CrossFit Lakeland”, and the product you see in the gym, in terms of the group classes, will not change. We’ll always remain an affiliate of CrossFit HQ.
The CrossFit Class Product is a major part of what we do. Always has been, always will be.
So why the re-brand then? Several reasons which we will cover below.
1) In reference to your favorite infomercial… “but wait, there’s more!”
We offer more than just CrossFit Classes – We’re not a one trick pony if you will. We offer several other services that include: Personal Training, Group Training (CF Class and HIITfit), Individual Programming, Yoga, Nutrition Coaching, and a full service Recovery Room featuring the latest advanced technology in recovery science.
So branding ourselves as CrossFit Lakeland may imply to many that all we offer are CrossFit Classes. We want people to realize that we have so much more available to them.

2) For every one person that comes through our doors looking for a CrossFit gym, we feel there are 10+ more that WON’T come through our doors because they think we are only a CrossFit Gym.
Kim and I can’t tell you how many conversations we’ve had with people outside of the gym that say variations of the following “I heard you get hurt doing CrossFit” or “It’s too hard or intense for me” or “I’ve always wanted to do it but I have to get in shape first” By offering CrossFit classes and more, but not branding ourselves as a CF gym, we hope to not have as many of these conversations in the future.

3) One CF Gym closes and another one opens – Back in 2008 we were the FIRST CrossFit Gym in Polk County. Over the years several have opened, and several have closed. Problem with that is most people don’t know that CrossFit is not a franchise. No two are the same. Sure the equipment is similar. But the facility, staff, programming, and membership will be different at each one, for better or worse. The owners experience and background will be different. But to outsiders, they may think each one is going to offer the same experience, but one might be cheaper or closer so they choose that one, never realizing that each one will deliver a different member experience.

Another scenario here is say “Sally” gets injured at CrossFit XYZ but goes around town telling friends and on Instaworld she got injured doing CrossFit. So now we get lumped into that CrossFit stigma, meanwhile we were never the gym in question where the injury occurred, but they and now their friends/followers will forever have that bad taste about the CrossFit brand.

There’s a saying that what got you there is not necessarily what will take you there, or something like that. Meaning, building the brand, CrossFit Lakeland, got us to where we are today and we are forever grateful for that. But times are changing and we must adapt to the changes in the fitness industry and the lifestyles of those searching for their fitness niche. We believe the Lakeland Athletic Club brand will take us into the future of the ever evolving fitness industry.

What will continue to take us into the future, and what has always been our foundation and our “why” is our community that has helped us create a culture of positivity and support for one another. It’s infectious and we have every reason to believe that this will continue to help us grow.
We often tell prospective members that we want their daily experience in our gym to be the best hour of their day with the idea of Lakeland Athletic Club being their #3! Everyone has three places as part of their EveryDay… Home, Work/School, and we hope… Lakeland Athletic Club. And we feel that for our members, this is the case.

We’ll continue to evolve and diversify. Providing professional coaching, top notch facilities, and high quality programming to meet our members fitness needs. We look to the past and feel both humbled and fortunate, and we look to the present and future with excitement and opportunity.
Yours in Health and Fitness,
Mike and Kim Knaisch, Owners – Lakeland Athletic Club